A Digital Transformation is in Your Future

维姬-沃恩- 150 x160

跨火狐体育手机技术的数字化转型正在迅速改善商业活动, 流程 and capabilities benefiting everyone involved.

上个月,我参加了阿尔卡特-朗讯企业(Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, ALE)的Connex18,会议的重点是帮助火狐体育手机追求垂直聚焦, outcome-based model that addresses digital transformation of their industry(DXI). No matter the industry you are in, 毫无疑问,数字化转型(DX)将触及你的世界,并将演变和改变你的工作方式, collaborate and relate to others in whatever field you are a part of. 

What is a “digital transformation”?
A “digital transformation” is a rapid transformation of business activities, 流程, 以及利用数字技术带来的机遇所带来的能力. “火狐体育手机数字化转型”(DXI)是指整个火狐体育手机的转型,使所有相关人员受益.

Digital transformation of your customers
我在Connex18学到的是,数字化转型改善了企业接触到的每个人的体验,尤其是你的客户——无论他们是学生, 病人, 乘客, 另一家公司或公众——通过提高员工的效率和加快流程. 它通过使你的工作现代化以及你与同事和客户之间的沟通方式来改变你的工作方式.

When your workplace digitally transforms, 它将变得简单, 移动协作, 敏捷性, innovation and efficiency in its operations. Not only are t在这里 technology improvements, 您的组织结构和业务模型也在不断发展,以创造更好的整体性能. 这包括改善财务状况,如增加收入和盈利能力,同时为客户提供更多选择,并使与您的合作更容易.


博客 DXI - Welcome  to the DXI economy

在Connex18, some of the interesting stats that I picked up is that whether I realize it or not, the world is becoming a DXI economy. By 2019, personal digital assistants and bots will execute only 1% of the transactions, 然而,它们将影响并推动已经掌握使用它们的组织的增长. 和, 40%的数字化转型计划将得到认知/人工智能能力的支持, providing timely critical insights for new operating and monetization models. 比如IBM沃森.

Connex18强调了DXI的许多好处,包括能够连接一切. It has become increasingly important in the past decade or two to be able to connect. It’s why social media is so popular and important in most people’s lives. Everyone wants to stay connected – to each other, 对他们来说, even have their devices connect to each other. 这就是DXI的承诺——通过整个火狐体育手机的连接,连接并塑造明天的成功. 使其成为可能的平台需要高性能、可靠、安全和自动化.

Analyze this - for a better customer experience
DX使分析大量数据成为可能,从而深入了解您的客户及其需求. It can drive strategic initiatives to guarantee the quality of service, 提高留存率,为客户提供终身价值,增加他们对你和公司的忠诚度. With the right information and sales incentives based on the knowledge you’ve gained, you can offer your customers what they need when they need it.

With the rollout of new technologies comes new models. One such model is the “freemium” business model. The concept is that you provide a basic product or service for free. 它通常有更多的高端产品,即相同的基本免费增值产品或服务,包括额外的功能或功能. 

额外的, new business models include communications platform as a service (CPaaS), Unified communications as a service (UCaaS) and network as a service (NaaS). 

云正在重新定义企业在DXI经济中获取和使用其技术的方式. 与CPaaS, 您的公司可以租用通信基础设施的全部元素,例如使用云的PBX或数据中心. 统一服务即服务(UCaaS)的相似之处在于,其他服务可以托管在云中,而不是在现场(在本地)——比如即时通讯服务, 在线状态信息, 的声音, 和更多的. NaaS提供了相同的好处,因为您可以将整个网络基础设施托管在云中. These options off your company ways to save money by only paying for what you use. This is especially beneficial in industries, 比如教育, w在这里 demand is cyclical based on whether school is in session.

So, what does DXI mean for your industry?

博客 DXI - Addressing digital future

While t在这里 are many benefits from digitally transforming, t在这里 were some strong specific benefits for each industry discussed at the event, 如:
- In 医疗保健, DXI的一个关键优势是能够与适当的护理提供者安全地共享数字化的患者信息
- In 教育, DXI有助于提供一个安全的站点, improved Learning Management System integration, 参与服务, multicasting for broadband services 
- In 运输, DXI helps safely increase public transit capacity, safety and comfort while reducing risks and costs. It also provides a way for extended geographical coverage and local storage.
- In 热情好客, DXI increases revenues by enabling differentiation from disruptive competitors. DXI from ALE provides an outcome-based model, 客户服务和机器人, 房间自动化, internet of things (物联网) services and UCaaS.
- In 政府 应用程序, DXI促进了公民参与,而ALE平台提供了本地存储的手段, 应用合作伙伴生态系统, 彩虹CPaaS, software-based encryption and multicast for closed circuit TV (CCTV).

Why wait to transform your life and your enterprise?
我很难想出一个理由,为什么你应该等待数字化改造你的企业——无论你是在运输火狐体育手机, 政府, 教育, 医疗保健或酒店业. 当你利用这些新的商业模式时,对你的底线的好处将变得明显.

作为起点, 您应该考虑提供单一基础,允许所有平台集成的供应商. 其中一个平台是 阿尔卡特-朗讯彩虹™, 混合云解决方案,具有开放和强大的架构,可为所有细分市场提供功能强大的通信和协作服务. 阿尔卡特朗讯企业版基于其平台和产品创建了解决方案,以满足不同火狐体育手机和垂直市场的需求,包括 热情好客, 医疗保健, 教育, 运输, 政府

额外的信息 on digitally transforming your business can be found on the 阿尔卡特朗讯企业网站.

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Currently in the Central Marketing group of ALE, Vicki是一名网站内容经理,她负责确保公共网站的质量和一般内容. 她之前在电信火狐体育手机的职位包括撰写和编辑技术和营销材料, PR, IR and has supported ALE patent efforts as a U.S. 专利代理人.

在电信之前, 她曾在一家软件工程公司担任产品经理数年,在此之前担任CAD/CAM软件程序员. Recently, she became a Registered Patent Agent with the USPTO. Prior to that accreditation, she earned a J.D. in Law from Abraham Lincoln University, an M.B.A. 他毕业于南加州大学,主修品牌营销,并获得了学士学位.S.E. in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan.



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